Welcome to simple_plotter’s documentation!

simple-plotter is a code-generator to create python code for plotting functional 2D x,y-plots. The function equation has to be entered in python syntax (allowing the use of numpy statements).

simple-plotter provides a command line interface (CLI) tool, which takes simple JSON files as inputs to generate the code.

Graphical user interface (GUI) front-ends for simple-plotter are available as well.

The simple-plotter-qt package provides with a Qt-based GUI-frontend intended for desktop use.

simple-plotter4a provides an alternative kivy-based frontend, created primarily for the Android port (see screen shots below), which can be used on a desktop system as well.

For details on licenses see Licenses or the NOTICE and LICENSE files in the source code repositories of the individual components.


Screen shot of the Qt-based GUI


Screen shot of the kivy-based GUI (running on Android)

Indices and tables